
Buy Valtrex Generic (Valacyclovir) 1000mg Online

The drug Valtrex (Valaciclovir) is a sedative, which is prescribed to patients in cases of anxiety, neurosis, that is, people who suffer from anxiety, a sense of danger, tension, insomnia, irritability, psychosomatic disorders.
Valaciclovir is effective in eliminating neurotic-reactive-depressive, anxiety-depressive states, which are accompanied by mood deterioration, decreased interest in the surrounding reality, loss of appetite, panic disorders. The active substances of this drug are alprazolam and auxiliary components.

Where To Buy Valtrex Generic (Valacyclovir) 1000mg Without a Prescription ?

Valaciclovir is mainly sold in pill form.

The drug is an anxiolytic, a triazole-benzodiazepine derivative.
Valtrex has sedative, hypnotic, anticonvulsant and muscle relaxant effects.

  • reduces the excitability of the subcortical structures of the brain (limbic system, thalamus, hypothalamus),
  • inhibits spinal polysynaptic reflexes;

Valtrex (1000mg) has a clear anxiolytic effect: when taking it, the emotional tension in the body decreases, the feeling of anxiety and fears weaken. Valtrex has a mild hypnotic effect, decreases the duration of sleep, decreases the frequency of awakening. Valtrex helps relieve tension, the effect of stimuli on the central nervous system (emotional, motor, autonomic). Valtrex helps fight sleep-disruptive mechanisms.

Contraindications of Valtrex.

This drug is contraindicated for people suffering from a number of diseases, including allergy to benzodiazepines, as well as myasthenia, closed glaucoma, alcohol, opioids, painkillers, sleeping pills and psychotropic drugs, acute intoxication, shock, coma. According to experts, Valtrex is not indicated for those with chronic obstructive diseases of the respiratory system, as well as for those suffering from severe forms of depressive states.

Do not use during pregnancy and lactation

Valtrex is contraindicated. It can be toxic to the fetus, the use of the drug in the case of the fetus increases the risk of birth defects in the first trimester, addiction in the second trimester, and inhibits the development of the central nervous system in the third trimester.

Valtrex passes into breast milk.

Mode of administration and dosage
The dose of Valtrex is chosen individually for everyone.
If the dose needs to be increased, you should start with the evening dose, then gradually increase the daily dose. According to experts, the initial dosage is 250-300 mg three times a day, and the maximum permissible increase of the drug is up to 450 mg per day. The daily maintenance dose is considered to be 500 to 750 mg.
As a rule, reducing the dose of Valtrex or completely stopping it is carried out gradually, it is impossible to stop taking the drug abruptly, a "removal effect" may occur. The dose of the drug in this case is reduced by 500 mg after 3 days.

OverdoseAn overdose of Valtrex causes depression, weakness, bradycardia, drowsiness, respiratory disturbances, decreased reflexes, and possibly coma. In case of these types of effects, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor, clean the stomach, and take sorbents.

Side effect

At the initial stage of treatment with Valtrex 1000mg, the patient may experience drowsiness, disorientation, weakness, ataxia, tremors, myasthenia gravis, memory loss, difficulty concentrating, depression. Paradoxical reactions are also not excluded, as well as tachycardia, blood pressure decrease, dyspeptic, allergic reactions.