
Buy Generic Viagra (Sildenafil) 100mg Online

Viagra is a medical drug that has an optimal effect on restoring erectile dysfunction in men that has developed against the background of disorders of the vascular or nervous system, overwork, stress, and age-related changes. A man, even an old man, using the medication is able to feel an erection, having an urgent need for it.

Correct use of the drug is the key to successful sexual intercourse. Your doctor should explain how to take Viagra. The medicine affects blood flow in the pelvic organs, increases libido, restores erection, and also prolongs sexual intercourse.

Where To Buy VIagra (Sildenafil) 100mg Without a Prescription ?

Tablet Strength:100mg × 360 tablet - $ 323.95

Per pill - $ 0.90

General information

The active substance of the drug is sildenafil. After taking it, blood flow to the cavernous bodies of the genital organ increases only in the stage of sexual arousal. As a result, a natural erection occurs. The advantages of the drug are that, knowing how to take Viagra correctly, you can awaken only the natural physiological processes that manifest themselves in the male body during sexual desire.

The MEDICINES ONLINE is synthetic, its properties are visible only if there is a stimulus, that is, a causative agent of desire, more than one review from men speaks about this. Tablets can correct erectile dysfunction, which is caused by various factors: psychological, organic, and physiological.

How to take it correctly

Before trying the drug, it is important to read the instructions in detail to know exactly how to take Viagra correctly. It should be used 60 minutes before intimacy. Although it happens that its effect manifests itself earlier. It depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

About 4 hours after taking Viagra, it has the desired effect on male power, but only if there is sexual excitability, as well as the right mood for sexual intercourse. You shouldn't expect an erection if you just take a pill without having the appropriate factors to continue. After sex, the erection goes away, but after a while, it returns.

Excitation will be repeated in 4 hours as many times as the man wants. The maximum dose per day is 100 mg. When it increases, a side effect appears. It can be used daily. If the effect is not achieved, you should consult a doctor who will reconsider the choice of dose.


100 mg of the drug per day will be safe for middle-aged representatives of the stronger sex who do not have pathological manifestations of the kidneys or liver. But doctors advise that those who use Viagra for the first time take no more than 50 mg. If the effect is not enough, then the dosage can be increased. You should not purchase another option that is far from cheap and replaces the medication; you just need to consult a doctor.

For older men, it's worth knowing how to take Viagra. In this case, the daily dose should range from 25 to 50 mg, no more. When the drug is used frequently, more than 4 times a week, then the daily dose should be reduced for men of any age to 25 mg. It is also worth consulting a doctor if the patient is taking vasodilator medications.

Features of application
Taking the medicine correctly will help you feel a surge of male power.

Therefore, it is important to familiarize yourself with the features of using Viagra:

  • Reception is carried out one hour before the start of the act.
  • Take it with warm water or other liquid that does not contain alcohol.
  • The tablet is taken regardless of food.
  • During treatment, it is not recommended to eat foods that have a high-fat content (more than 30%).
  • It is prohibited to take the medication along with medications containing inhibitors, nitrates, nitric oxide donors, and alpha-blockers. The break between taking these drugs and Viagra should be at least 3 weeks.

Before a patient receives a prescription for oral use of the drug, he must undergo a thorough examination to determine the causes of erectile dysfunction. Particular attention is paid to pathologies of the cardiovascular system since excessive sexual activity, as well as taking the drug, are prohibited for problems in this area. If there are no contraindications for the use of Viagra Generic, the dosage is prescribed according to the instructions.