
Buy Ivermectin Generic (Soolantra, Stromectol, Sklice) Online for COVID-19

Ivermectin is a synthetic anthelmintic that is actively used in veterinary medicine, as well as in the treatment of humans. Its composition is simple - it is a one-component drug, the main active ingredient of which is ivermectin itself. Depending on the release form, additional components and excipients may vary.

Where To Buy Ivermectin Generic (Soolantra, Stromectol, Sklice) Without a Prescription ?

Principle of action

The active substance in the medicine has a toxic effect on parasites of various types. It blocks the transmission of nerve impulses in their cells, resulting in first paralysis and then death. Since impulses in cells are blocked, this makes it possible to use injections, tablets, and creams against microparasites and not just against multicellular pests that have muscle tissue (as is the case with drugs that directly paralyze the muscles of worms).

Scope of application

The instructions for use indicate an extremely wide list of diagnoses for which this drug can be used.
It is recommended to use the drug Ivermectin if a person has the following ailments:

  • demodicosis;
  • pulmonary and gastrointestinal helminthiasis;
  • strongyloidiasis;
  • Larva migrans syndrome;
  • helminthic infestation;
  • trichocephalosis;
  • filariasis;
  • enterobiasis;
  • onchocerciasis;
  • nematodosis;
  • pediculosis;
  • scabies;
  • the presence of roundworms, roundworms, whipworms, and pinworms in the body.

Instructions for use

People can only take Ivermectin orally; the exact dosage and regimen are prescribed by a doctor.
General recommendations for dosage:

  • For adults, it is recommended to consume 150–200 mcg of medication per kilogram of body weight.
  • For a person weighing 70 kg, this is approximately 12 mg of the drug.
  • For children whose weight exceeds 15 kg, 150 mcg of the drug is prescribed for each kilogram of body weight.

You need to take the medicine on an empty stomach. After taking it, you cannot eat immediately, you need to wait at least an hour. To remove parasites, 1-2 doses of medicine are enough. 7–14 days should pass between their doses. Afterwards it is necessary to take a second test for the presence of helminths.

To kill lice, the drug should be taken for 5–7 days, 3 tablets each. Treatment of demodicosis is a longer process. To get rid of ticks, you need to take the drug for 7 days, 5-7 tablets. This is a large dose, so treatment according to this regimen can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Features of application

Ivermectin tablets are used primarily in humans. In veterinary medicine, it is customary, to a greater extent, to inject this remedy for helminthic infestations. Ivermectin for demodicosis and other diseases affecting the skin is prescribed for application topically, in the form of an ointment or cream.
In patients, the MEDICINES ONLINE should be applied to skin that has been cleared of crusts and flaky skin flakes. Also, creams and ointments should be applied only to dry and intact dermis.

Side effects
In some cases, Ivermectin may cause some side effects. They are characteristic of both humans and animals. These are phenomena such as:

  • Enlargement and hardening of lymph nodes;
  • Skin itching;
  • Local abscesses, swelling and inflammatory processes in places where mature parasites accumulate.

The maximum severity of effects occurs on the second day after the injection or after taking the drug orally. However, there is an opinion that such a reaction is caused not by the toxicity of the drug itself but by toxins that are released during the massive death of parasites since it was noted that the severity of side effects correlates with the degree of development of parasite infection.

It is better to avoid using Ivermectin if the patient has a history of circumstances such as:

  • severely weakened immunity;
  • HIV;
  • AIDS;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • use of barbiturates, benzodiazepines and valproic acid;
  • age up to 5 years, weight less than 15 kg;
  • meningitis;
  • asthma;
  • kidney and liver diseases;
  • sleeping sickness.

After using the drug, it is not recommended to plan a pregnancy over the next 2 months since using the drug against demodicosis can negatively affect the development of the fetus.