Brick, NJ General Dentist Cleanings

In order to maintain proper oral hygiene, it is important to attend routine dental cleanings with Pulido Dental Care. A professional cleaning will be performed by one of our highly qualified hygienists. During this cleaning, all plaque and debris will be removed. There are certain areas within that mouth that can be particularly hard to reach with standard brushing and flossing. Our friendly office staff can help you schedule your cleanings for every six months. 
Cleaning Process 
A typical dental cleaning can take anywhere from thirty minutes to an hour. If you are regularly making appointments for cleanings, the full hour will not be necessary. A dental hygienist will begin by scaling teeth, which will remove all tartar and plaque from the surface of teeth. Scaling can be done by hand, or with the use of electric scalers. Both methods are equally effective, personal preference of the hygienist will decide which. After your teeth have been scaled, the pockets of your gums will be cleaned of Generic Cialis any plaque that has built up there. 
Your teeth will be polished to remove any lingering plaque, and the teeth will be buffed. A polisher generally has an extended reach and multiple head sizes to reach difficult areas within the mouth. 
Your dentist may come in post cleaning for an exam. 
Don't delay your next appointment any longer! Pulido Dental Care offers a clean, comfortable, and friendly atmosphere where patients can feel at home during cleanings  
Need to schedule an appointment for your bi-annual dental cleaning? Call your Brick NJ general dentist today at (732) 477-7272. We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you soon!  
We understand that sometimes dental insurance can be confusing and difficult to understand. 
Please click here to view the in-network dental insurance plans we are currently accepting.