
Buy Generic Cialis (Tadalafil) 20mg Online

Men who know how to take Cialis correctly live a full intimate life without erectile dysfunction, a feeling of embarrassment and shame in front of their partner. Not surprising because Cialis is one of the most effective drugs with the longest possible effect. The substance contained in such tablets (tadalafil) can eliminate the manifestations of erectile dysfunction even at the last stage of the disease.

Before using this potent stimulant, it is recommended that you carefully study the instructions that come with the drug. One tablet should be taken 40 minutes (maximum one hour) before planned intimacy. You need to take the MEDICINES ONLINE with plain water in sufficient quantity for you. If desired, you can take the tablets with another non-alcoholic liquid; this will not affect the effect of the product.

Where To Buy Cialis (Tadalafil) 20mg Without a Prescription ?

Tablet Strength:10mg × 360 tablet - $ 378.95

Per pill - $ 1.05

General information

If you purchased Cialis in the soft version, you do not need to take these tablets with water; you just need to put one tablet under your tongue and wait for it to dissolve (this is the most convenient form of use).

The duration of action of the medication reaches 36 hours, depending on the consumption of heavy food, alcoholic beverages, the presence of other diseases and other individual factors.

How to determine the dosage?

The manufacturer produces this product for men in various dosages, the most common versions of the original drug are 20 and 40 mg. If you are taking Cialis for the first time, and erectile dysfunction began to bother you relatively recently, it is recommended to start with an amount of 5 mg. In rare cases, this concentration does not bring the desired effect, which means that the next day, you can increase the dosage to 40 mg in one day.

This is a universal rule; however, when calculating the optimal amount, it is recommended that you consult a doctor who will calculate the amount of the drug depending on your condition. Please note: you should not take the medicine in high dosages (more than 40 mg in one day). Otherwise, unfavorable symptoms and deterioration in well-being may occur.

How often can you take Cialis for potency?

Most experts are confident that tadalafil can be taken as often as your sexual activity requires (subject to therapeutic dosages). Since the medication does not cause drug dependence, it can be taken daily for a long time (over time, the effect will remain as pronounced as in the first days of use).

Useful recommendation: since the speed of action of the drug directly depends on the amount of food consumed, it is recommended to take the tablets on an empty stomach or after a small snack.

Are there any contraindications and restrictions?
Tadalafil is a safe component, but certain contraindications for men still exist. Below are the main restrictions:

  • Age under 18 years. The active components of Cialis Generic may have an adverse effect on incompletely formed reproductive function.
  • Hypersensitivity to active and other components of the tablets. Such individual intolerance to the drug can lead to severe allergic reactions.
  • Diseases of the heart and vascular system. These include arrhythmia, sudden changes in blood pressure, which must be constantly monitored with medications, heart defects, cardiac decompensation, and so on.
  • Pathologies of the liver and kidneys in the final stage (these may be malignant neoplasms, failure, cirrhosis).

Cialis 20mg should not be combined with other tablets for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, otherwise, an overdose may occur.

Severe pathologies of the circulatory system.
If the recommendations prescribed in the instructions are not followed or the dosage is violated, adverse reactions may occur, such as:

  • nausea that progresses to vomiting;
  • pain in the head, dizziness, muscle pain;
  • changes in blood pressure up or down, tachycardia, flushing of blood to the skin;
  • disruption of the functioning of the digestive system (constipation, diarrhea, bloating);
  • the manifestation of allergic reactions, which are characterized by a rash on the skin, redness of the epidermis, lacrimation, rhinitis, itching and other symptoms.

If allergic or other adverse reactions occur, it is recommended to stop taking the pills and contact a specialist who will adjust the dosage or select another drug for you.